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Monday, May 3, 2010

Dog off a bridge rant

Have you seen/heard about the video of the dog being thrown off a bridge? If you have, read this. Now, those guys were sick, twisted, cruel souls. I mean, who would throw a dog off a bridge? How would you feel if YOU were thrown off a bridge? That is not just wrong, it's illegal! I know these guys are in a different country and all, but I believe animals still have their rights, even in other places. It's good to know that the legal system is taking care of this. I just don't get how people could be so cruel. These people are just plain sick. They took an innocent dog and threw it off a bridge. This bridge wasn't tiny, this was a road bridge! Many, many feet up. The dog must of broken many limbs from the fall. Just so you know, I did not see this video, and do not want to after hearing about it.

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